Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Further decoupling

After some intensive refactoring, I finally arrived to the architecture where server and client do not depend on transport level. They communicate to the network via Transport object, which maintains remote connections, reads data from the peer, packages them into frame objects, and sends frame objects to the remote peer. In fact, both server and client can use the same transport implementation. Transport needs some source of connection though. In the case of server, connections come from the Acceptor, who's job is accepting incoming connections on the ServerSocket and feeding them to the Transport. In the case of client, Connector object takes direct calls from the Client in order to initiate connection. Transport is normally unaware if it works for the server or for the client.
Another interesting feature of this design is the communication media between almost all components. They do not use callbacks, this prevents them from interfering with each other's threading model. Instead, they communicate through queues. These queues can be created and configured/customized in the spring configuration file. At present, they are all LinkedBlockingQueue without limit, but any other implementation/configuration is easily possible.

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